Sunday 5 January 2014

Group performance- Scripted scene

Scripted scene

Script for short scene

Rosie: Libby

Isabella: Madeline

Sion: Alison


(The four characters putting out their washing on the washing line.)


Libby: The house is quite now he's gone.


Alison: I know.. (pick up sons top from laundry basket) I remember when I brought him this, he was only seventeen (smiles into distance)


Madeline: I feel so proud. They are becoming stronger men now. Just think about it Ali, their fighting for us and our country.


Agnes: I don't care what you say, Henry will never be a man. Never has been, never will be(roles eyes)


Libby: (pauses) How can you say that?


Agnes: He's a good for nothing low life! Fanny'ing around with that common tart next door.


Madeline: You must find it hard though right? I mean.. we all do.


Libby: what about the empty bed at night?... (pauses, waiting to hear a reply) What about the silence? Or the empty seat at supper?


(Agnes gives it a thought, but looks away refusing to think about what has happened)


Alison: Common now, we have to stay strong, as mothers, wives and women.


Madeline: Exactly, look at the WLA. Maybe we should join?


(Agnes interrupts, angrily)


Agnes: There not coming back. Over 6000 of them died on the first day and you think you have a chance?


(Libby looks down as she comes to the realization that her husband may not come back)


(libby exits, Alison follows Libby to try and comfort her)


(Madeline and Agnes are left on stage)


Madeline: It may be easy for you Aggie and Henry may not have been the strongest of men but for got sake have some compassion!


(Madeline exits. Agnes is left on stage, she gets a crumpled letter out her pocket and begins to read again and then drops in despair)